Monday, February 23, 2015

MLS Interns Receives Enhanced Package!

Great MLS,
Welcome to another edition of your much expected news bulletin
on 'AMLSNLand'.
The past weeks witnessed the good, bad and ugly as things begin
to normalize following the suspension of the 3 months JOHESU

strike after the intervention of President Goodluck Ebele
As dusts settle, rapraochment seems to be the order of the day
as FMOH, CMDs and MDs of teriary health Institutions begin to
explore ways of bringing permanent peace to the drowning
health sector.
At the Federal level, the minister has been having series of

meeting with top notchers from all stakeholders and has

instructed the CMDs/MDs to be liberal in the way they manage
the hospitals.
The effect has been trickling down as reports confirm

enthusiasm by Institutions who has started employing Intern MLS
and placing them on CONHESS 8 step 1 and post NYSC on 9 step 2.

That's on the positive side. Unpalatable reports has been
coming from the field on implementation of PPP as it affects
Medical Laboratories and members are wont to know the
Association's stand on it. It is on this premise a

distinguished young forumite, Adeleke Olusegun has called on
AMLSN leadership to move fast before it becomes a hurricane.

News filtering from UPTH smells good as Intern MLS Finds
Romantic Blues in the Institution.

MLS Awoibi, UPTH JOHESU Chairman Gets A Pat On His Shoulder for
facilitating the restoration of Internship advert in the


The Presidency has also Commended MLSCN For Doign A Good Job.
But things are not looking good at FMC Lokoja who are on strike
because of Delay In Member's Promotion. There is Also Moments

of Apprehension As NUAHP Sensitizes Members For Resumption of


However, the year seems to be action packed for AMLSN as She

Releases Activity Calendar For 2015.

Top Stories

Minister of Health Moves To Mend Fences Amidst Doubt Of  Sincerity

The minister of Health, Dr. Haliru Hassan have been meeting
with stakeholders to mend fences and ensure permanent peace in the health sector. This move is seen as a carrot and stick approach by young ones who distrust such move coming from a
Nigerian physician.

Strike Paralyses Services At FMC Lokoja As JOHESU Embarks
Health services has been paralysed at FMC Lokoja where JOHESU
members has drawn the battle line the the management for failinig to promote her members.

Presidency Commends MLSCN For Membership of ILAC

The Presidency has commended MLSCN for doing a good job in
carrying out its mandate in Nigeria and showing good example
in the sub-region especially the recent membership of the
International Laboratory Accreditation Committee.
The CEO, Prof. 'Tony Emeribe has also been appointed as chairman of the 2015 ASLM conference.

Awoibi, UPTH JOHESU Chairman Commended For Internship Breakthrough

The JOHESU chairman in UPTH, Mr. Awoibi has been commended for
his prompt intervention which ensured Internship placement is
restored at UPTH. This commendation was given by a concerned
forumite over the weekend.

'AMLSN Exco Must Move Fast On PPP In Lab'-Adeleke Olusegun

With the way CMDs and MDs are going about the implementation
of PPP in hospitals, a concerned MLS, Mr. Adeleke Olusegun has
charged AMLSN leadership to intervene fast to prevent negative
spill over effect on members.

AMLSN Releases 2015 Activity Calendar

The Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria (AMLSN) has published the activity calendar for 2015 as follows:
NEC/Public Lecture March 11-15
World Biomedical Science Day April 15
NEC Meeting June 17-20
National Conference/AGM October 12-17
NEC Meeting November 29-Dec 2nd

Venues will be chosen in a later date.

NUAHP Goes Back To The Trenches 9th March
The National Union of Allied Health Professionals has started
sensitizing her members on the resumption of the suspended strike but members will decide how and when it will hold if
found expedient.

That's it again this week.

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