Magical Okara Galvanizes National Support For Organogram
Our detractors could have wished it turned the profession upside
down. But it never happened!
The initial resistance and negative emotional outburst against the
published organogram by the leadership of the Association of Medical
Laboratory Science in Nigeria fizzled out the moment the President, Dr.
G.C. Okara pulled out the magical trigger of mass national consultation
with stakeholders across the geo-political zones in Nigeria to harvest
opinions and chart the way forward.
The consensus arrived at afterwords was elating heartwarming as MLS
nationwide decided to put differences aside to support the
implementation of the organogram and to await further directive from the
President. It seems the organogram the the consultative effort has
united MLS in the pursuit of common goals and aspirations.
AMLSN Abuja Pulls Masterstroke: Holds Grand Reception For MLS
In National Assembly
The FCT branch of the Association held a grand reception and award
night for members of the profession in the national assembly penultimate
week. The award night was attracted mass participation from the
profession nationwide with well wishers also in attendance. Those who
can discern the spirit behind the move smelled rat on what MLS is up to.
What legislation is in the offing for further growth of the
profession? Keep watching. Better days surely ahead.
Private Practitioners Failed In Grand Attempt To Stop MLSCN
The news hit the stand from Kogi State. Private Medical Practioners
hired a lawyer to stop MLSCN from accrediting laboratories in their
clinics. That step was in bad faith and the leadership of the MLSCN
quickly rose to the occasion by dispatching a weighty memo to the health
minister to call them to other. It worked as the MLSCN is a product of
the national assembly. No medical doctor in group or individually can
stop the regulatory body from doing its statutory job.
Medical Laboratory Profession Not Cursed-G.C. Okara
In a swift reaction to a post by a disgruntled medical laboratory
scientist on the fate and future of the profession which to him is
cursed, the president of the Association, Dr. G.C. Okara quickly put
record straight through enlightenment of the young scientist rather
moved by ignorance than sound thinking and appreciation of the history
of the profession to state factually that ours is a blessed profession.
The more positive things you say about your profession, the better
your own life too will be in it!
Pilot Test On CPD Commences
A call has gone out to MLS, at least 30 participants to enroll for
the pilot test to detect areas of improvement and expected challenges in
the on-coming CPD from this month by the partnership between AMLSN and
John Hopkins University.
The program is billed to fully commence in September, 2012.
Sokoto, Calabar Positions For MLS.D Program
Two Universities in Nigeria in the eyes of interested MLS are well
positioned for the commencement of the MLS. D program. The University
of Calabar and that of Sokoto who runs faculty structure in MLS has been
tipped as the launching ground for the MLS.D degree in medical
laboratory science. Watch out!
Nanbol Dazzles Forum With MLS.D Document
He didn't generate the post. It was Ayodele Aaron who bored his mind
on the MLS.D program presenting with soul searching questions. But
Daniel introduces a new dimension when he volunteered to make
information on the program available for interested members. No post
has attracted the traffic generated as a result of the offer as members
continue to line up for the document. Information is power they say.
Prince Adedire Wins Ondo AMLSN Election
Information reaching our desk confimed that Prince Adedire has
emerged chairman elect, AMLSN Ondo State branch.
As members wished him well, a reminder was made for him to fulfill
his campaign promises to his people. Congrats.
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